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Hey everyone! I have the joy of working on all of my hospitals brands, including our recruitment brand. We’ve always hit roadblocks with advertising with Meta as employment ads have an insane about of limits on them. But our biggest audience for our small rural hospital is on Facebook and it is the best way to get the word out about our jobs. Has anyone else dealt with this? How do you all work with the limits and still target the right people? 

We are also running into the same problem. So following for others advice as well. Here’s what we’ve done so far. 

One of our hospitals recently did win a “Best place to work for” type of award so we made sure to include that in the graphics for recruitment boosts going forward. 

We also make sure that geographic targeting is set to individual towns that have healthcare training programs and schools all within a 100 miles of that hospital. 

Honestly, I would give LinkedIn advertising a shot if you haven’t before. We’ve run a few paid employment campaigns and you can get so much more targeted in terms of demographic, interests, and level of education. They’ve all performed really well too!

You can of course still post jobs organically on both, but putting a little spend on LinkedIn job posting goes a long way in reaching the right people.

HI! I work on a lot of recruitment ads for our hospital on Meta. I took a different approach. I do not mention hiring, or apply now, or any other keywords that look like a recruitment ad. Instead, I created ads, around why working for Ohio State is great. Culture, benefits, sign bonus’s, etc. Then I push to our career landing page. This allows me to circumvent the restrictions. This has worked for me for two years now. 

It does incredibly well. 

We have a multi-channel ads strategy for recruitment. For Meta, we use a re-targeting audience for people that land on our Careers platform coming from other channels. Meta seems to have the best application rate for those lower funnel ads than the other channels, and we can target better on the other channels for higher funnel ads. 

Hi! I just posted about an increase of healthcare organizations posting on Nextdoor. One of the examples I provided is for recruiting which I find super interesting for your case because apparently Nextdoor has very specific targeting options.

Perhaps that’s something to look into!

All of these answers are amazing. We’ve tried LinkedIn campaigns but our hospital is in a very rural small town in the Appalachian mountains. So we don’t see a high conversion from LinkedIn because it’s hard to get people from outside areas to move in. But looking into the work arounds for Meta Ads and looking into Nextdoor! I don’t know if the community uses Nextdoor yet but I would love to see how it would work! 


Thank you everyone! 

A lot of times in healthcare, these ancillary roles aren’t a fit for getting roles filled via LinkedIn. They’re looking for jobs on Facebook and I wouldn’t sleep on it as a recruitment marketing channel.


When you run your ads, you need to claim it as an employment ad at first, and you should have no problems. The only issue is you’re not going to be able to do any detailed targeting - it’s discriminatory. You just are limited to a geographic distance around the location (can’t even do zip code targeting). It’s a big limitation, but it is what it is. 


A lot of times, we get ads that are randomly denied that Meta thinks is an employment ad, and it’s not. Literally nothing about the ad will have anything to do with employment. But I’ve never had an ad that we’ve flagged as employment get denied. 
