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Apply for the Job You Think You're Unqualified For.


Earlier this year, I was drowning in work but I loved what I was doing. A new role at my company opened up, and I saw it as my dream role, but didn’t think it was meant for me at this time. I thought “that’s the job I’ll have in five years.” When I told my supervisor at the time that X person was leaving their role, he asked “so you’re going to apply for it, right?” I was taken aback by his response, I genuinely hadn’t even thought about applying. I was under-qualified, in my head, and was in my current role for less than a year. He gave me a pep talk, telling me you never know when your dream role will open up again. What’s the worst that could happen, I don’t get an interview? 


That night I fixed up my resume, after he also scolded me for not always having an up-to-date resume (spoiler: it’s not up to date now, either!) Long story short, a few months later I was leaving my first role at the company for my NEW role at the company! I’ve been in this job for 8 months now and it’s the best job I could have asked for. I love my supervisor, I love that I do, and I plan to be in this job for years.


I never thought I’d be qualified for this job at this point in my career, but my supervisor supports me and believes in me. APPLY for the job you don’t think you’re qualified for, because you just might get it and excel in it! 

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