Rituals? Do you mean the cup of hot goodness that I have in front of me all day long? And the mugs are often a reflection of how I am feeling when I wake up that morning? That coffee? Oh, coffee and I go way back. Our relationship is complicated and loving and I don’t have a problem. Not at all. NO PROBLEM. But maybe a little bit of one.
“cracks fingers and gets to typing”
Good coffee is my morning meditation routine before I have to stare at social feeds all day (that literally makes my eyes water some days), and the whole thing takes maybe 7 minutes.
I use an Electric kettle at 205° exactly since boiling water makes coffee bitter. I treated myself last year to an electronic coffee grinder with custom grind settings, so no matter what size grind I need, it’s consistent and doesnt waste the coffee I spent my “notasbigasiwouldlikeittobe” paycheck on. I grind 18ish grams and use an aero press that I upgrading with a gasket-sealed attachment from Fellow. This allows the coffee to not spill out of the bottom and I can use more pressure when I press. The steel filter is great too! #green
After that its cream and sugar!
Coffee? Love the smell, hate the taste.
I enjoy my diet coke with some reading with my light therapy lamp before I get my day going.