Introducing myself 😎

  • 11 November 2021
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi there! I’m Caroline. Here’s a little about me:


  • Pronouns are She/Her
  • I have been working in social media for 5-6 years and been a Sprout advocate from the start. I used Sprout back when it was Simply Measured! I brought Sprout to my last company and have brought it to my current company, ZoomInfo
  • I have background in the agency world, client world, B2C and now B2B
  • My background is in social media strategy and in the last year i’ve shifted my focus to community creation - my title at ZoomInfo is Social Community Manager. I’m self-taught and gleaning so much from various books, Twitter professionals and more. I’m really looking forward to interacting with community builders AND social strategists because, hey, they’re kind of the same thing, right?
  • I moved to Boston 5 months ago and before that was living in Chicago (the best city in the world). I’m originally from New York suburbs.

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Welcome, Caroline! I can’t wait to hear more from you! It’s wild to me because we’ve known each other through Twitter, had a zoom chat, and now we’re here! Let’s gooooo!
