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We’re thrilled to kick off our September round of the Mentor<>Mentee program, Peer-to-Peer Connect, and Sprout Social Platform Networking! 

Whether you’re looking to dive into new learning opportunities, exchange ideas with peers, or connect with fellow Sprout Social users, we’ve got something amazing for you! Applications close Friday, September 20th and invites go our on Monday, September 23rd.


Mentor<>Mentee Program

We need mentors at all experience levels! Share your insights, guide rising stars, and make a lasting impact on someone’s career. Don’t worry if you’re new to mentoring—your perspective is valuable and we welcome all levels of experience. Mentees, this is your chance to learn from seasoned pros and accelerate your growth!


Peer-to-Peer Connect

Connect with your peers in social media to discuss trends, share tips, and solve problems together. This is a fantastic opportunity to collaborate, learn from each other, and build your professional network.


Sprout Social Platform Networking

Get the most out of Sprout Social by connecting with other users. Share your best practices, learn new tricks, and enhance your skills with insights from your fellow Sprout enthusiasts.



Why Join?

  • Expand Your Network: Build valuable connections with like-minded professionals.
  • Enhance Your Skills: Gain new insights and strategies to elevate your social media game.
  • Make an Impact: As a mentor, you’ll shape the future of rising stars in the industry.


Ready to get started? Sign up now and be part of this dynamic community! Let’s make this September the best one yet.

Learn more about The Arboretum Mentorship Network, here.

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