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Giveaway Day 1: Productivity Tip: WRITE. IT. ALL. DOWN!

  • December 2, 2024
  • 8 replies

Gina Kirby

I don’t know about anyone else, but once I became a parent, my brain totally shifted personally and, honestly, professionally. My now 3yo, energetic, yet sweet son has given my husband and I a run for our money (and brain cells). Because of that, I write down almost everything. From grocery lists, Target runs and, most especially, work tasks, if it’s not written down, it’s not getting done (or purchased).

It seems silly and simple, yes. But this has truly been my personal game changer since becoming a working mom. I’ll write down things such as, “Reply to xyz person about xyz topic BY FRIDAY,” which is something I never had to do until the last few years.

But if it’s written down and needs to be checked off? It gets done quicker. Simple as that.

8 replies


YES! Mom of a 3 year old and 1 year old here. Too much to keep track of - professionally, personally - to keep a mental list. I live by my written/online checklists

  • Level 2
  • 11 replies
  • December 2, 2024

Right there with you both. Because it wasn’t written down, I/we forgot potatoes, ice cream and cheese for Thanksgiving. Oops. Lists for the win! 

  • Level 2
  • 5 replies
  • December 2, 2024

I, too, am a working mom and would absolutely lose my mind if I didn’t write things down. It may be simple, but it keeps me organized and it works!


My “brain” (a notebook with lists for everything from school activity dates to medical notes) has been my go-to since my child had a knee reconstruction years ago. It’s nice to compartmentalize …. and to be able to cross things off the list!

  • Level 4
  • 81 replies
  • December 2, 2024

Oh heck, yes, it’s so helpful to frequently make notes. I lose track and juggle if I don’t have a notepad (or the ++ tool) open along with a calendar too.

Totally get this! For years, colleagues have told me You take such amazing notes.

But I retain nothing if it isn’t written down/stored in my external brain digitally.


Mom of two over here… My Reminders app is where it’s at for all kid/home related items. I haven’t translated that yet to work life. 


#NotAMom and will vouch for the writing-things-down method of remembering. If it’s not written down in my own handwriting on a piece of paper *somewhere*, I might as well never have had the thought or learning the thing.


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