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Hi! We are a 9 hospital healthcare organization trying to become a verified health source on YouTube. Our YouTube account is for the entire system so we are applying for the health features as an organization and not as an individual. However, the application states that we have to have a licensed physician attached/associated with the account. 

Has anyone in healthcare gone through this process before? Do you have any insights or advice? Is there anyway to get around having a physician attached to the account?

Any and all help/advice is appreciated! THANK YOU!!

Hi @leah.crandell  - I went through this process a few months ago, the team is keeping those verified to a very very limited group. I will say they are NOT flexible at all or at least have not been in the past. Have you read through this Shows some of the eligibility requirements. I worked for a healthcare company that had doctors on staff leading all editorial review but the org was not eligible even having met those requirements because it was for profit. If you have a YouTube rep definitely reach out to them and ask them to keep you updated on eligibility. You can even ask them to run you through it. 

Another good site and The last one shows you what type of professionals could be a part of your application and they need to basically say they have oversight of your content. It’s all to avoid misinformation of health information.

Interesting. Ours was applied by YouTube as an accredited US hospital without an application a few years back.
