Hey Arb fam! 🎉 We’ve got something EPIC for you—our brand-new Gamification System is here! 🎯
Now, every action you take—posting, commenting, helping others—earns you points, badges and ranks that showcase your contributions and unlock awesome perks! 💡✨
🔹 How it works:
✅ Earn Points: Engage with the community, and watch your points stack up
🏅 Unlock Badges: Hit milestones and show off your expertise
📈 Climb the Ranks: Start at Level 1 and work your way up
🎁 Why you’ll love it:
✔️ Gain recognition for your contributions
✔️ Unlock exclusive perks as you level up
✔️ See your name on the leaderboards
Learn how you can start getting recognized for your contributions to the community.
🎖 Badges & Recognition
- Content Catalyst: Your content advice inspires action and creativity in the community.
- You’ll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least one topic, and at least five replies in the Content Creation Forum.
- Data Strategist: You’re exceptionally skilled at identifying social data trends and insights.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least one topic, and at least five replies in the Social Data Forum.
- Customer Champion: You know how to keep customers at the center of your social strategy.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least three topics, and at least 10 replies in the Social Customer Care Forum.
- Social Network Navigator: Your tips guide others toward success across all social networks.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least three topics, and at least 10 replies in the Social Networks Forum.
- Trendspotter: Your keen eye for trends keeps the community ahead of the curve.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least three topics, and at least 10 replies in the Latest Talks & Trends Forum.
- Community Connector: Your efforts to build bridges and spark conversations help the community thrive.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least five topics, and at least 20 replies in the Coffee Talk Forum.
- Straight Shooter: Your honest take on work sparks open, authentic conversations in the community.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least five topics, and at least 20 replies in the Likes & Dislikes Forum.
- Career Advisor: Your insights help others find clarity and confidence in their career paths.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least three topics, and at least 10 replies in the Career Advice Forum.
- Opportunity Advocate: Your job postings and networking efforts build new career pathways for our community.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least three topics/jobs in the Job Postings Forum.
- Sprout Expert: Your thoughtful questions and guidance help community members master the Sprout platform.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least one topic, and at least five replies in the Sprout Platform Questions & Best Practices Forum.
- Product Insider: Your interest in product updates drives excitement and awareness in the community.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least five replies in the Product Updates & Announcements Forum.
- Skill Seeker: Your commitment to continuous learning levels up the skills of the entire community.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least five replies in the Courses & Certifications Forum.
- Product Innovator: Your innovative suggestions help further Sprout’s ongoing product evolution.
- You'll be awarded this badge if you have posted at least five ideas in the Ideation Forum.
Rank Progression:
The higher your activity levels, the higher your rank in The Arb will be.
You'll start at Level 1, and move up the ranks depending on how many topics you’ve created, answers you’ve provided, replies you’ve posted, likes you’ve given/received and of course, how often you’ve logged into the Arb.
The top 1,000 users are featured on the Arboretum Leaderboard, with the first page showing the top 50 users of the week ranked by total points.
Hall of Fame
Members who have achieved high ranks will also be featured in our weekly Arboretum Hall of Fame. The Arb Hall of Fame will spotlight Users that have reached Rank 7 or above, with a minimum of 100 points in total.
Super User Group
The Top 50 users on the Leaderboard, and a select set of our most engaged members will be invited to join the Arboretum Super User Group. This is an exclusive group for members who have demonstrated a dedication to their community via their participation. Super Users will get additional opportunities to:
- Participate in focus groups to share their expert insights
- Test beta features and share product feedback
- Join Sprout events and networking opportunities
After each quarter (every three months), we'll evaluate all members of The Arb and invite new members who qualify to join the Superusers group.
💡 So, wait no more. Get Started Now! Earn your first badge by logging in more frequently, commenting, posting, helping your peers and answering questions. The leaderboard awaits!
Let’s make this community more fun, interactive and rewarding than ever! Who’s ready to LEVEL UP? ⬆️