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Hi new friends!

  • 13 June 2022
  • 2 replies


My name’s Abigail (Abbey, for short) and I’ve been working in social media for around 5 years (transitioned from early-ed). My current role is as social media manager for a small not-for-profit media org. Officially I’m based overseas, but since the job went remote, I’ve been working from the US (Washington, DC).


If you live in the DMV area and feel like having coffee talk IRL, be in touch! I’d love to trade war stories and hear what you’ve found helpful in your industry!

2 replies

Userlevel 5
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HI Abbey! Welcome to the Sprout community! @brad.keeling is a valued member of the Sprout community (one of our community founders, in fact!), and I remember him mentioning that he spends a lot of time in DC - tagging him in here so you can say hi! 

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

G’day from Sydney…

Yes, I *do* spend a lot of time in DC I was there for a few months from late 2021 as soon as we could travel. However, I am back in Sydney, Australia until October. 

Abbey, “...not-for-profit media...” interesting. Would love to trade war stories one day. I have worked in Telecommunications and Media for decades and as for social media one of my biggest clients is one of Australia’s largest media organisations. 


