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Welcome new Community Hub members!

Hello everyone! Let’s welcome our new members:

@eoin@trina.twilley@KStrike12@jeevan@dominick.ram@merenda.graixinha@haley.dennis@lucas.almeida@cate.horvatic@norahcarroll@samantha.hart@sally.hill@katie.mcclure@emily.gillespie@stacydelk@brittany.keller@Eva.kucmasova@Marie la, and @nikki.massie!

For everyone tagged as a new member, please share what you are most excited about in the upcoming week. 

Don’t forget to introduce yourself in the Coffee Talk thread.

Events this week:

Sprout Social Index AMA with Mike Blight - A conversation with the lead researcher behind the Sprout Social Index. If you haven’t downloaded the report or viewed the webinars yet there is still time, follow this link to get caught up.

Latest from Sprout:

The Sprout Social | TikTok Integration is here! - Learn more about getting started with this new integration.

If you need assistance with anything else, let us know in the comments and we will be happy to help!

3 replies

Userlevel 1

Hey everyone!

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

I’m Laura from Sprout Social based out of Seattle, WA. 

I’m most excited about the conversation with @mike.blight on Friday where we will be answering all of your Index questions. However, I’m also really excited about the warm weather we are finally getting in Seattle this week, it’s been a rough spring.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2



Hi everyone! I hope that many of you can join us on Friday for our AMA! The information is posted below.

If for whatever reason you cannot join, please feel free to chat with me on here with any questions about our recently published research via the Index!


Sprout Social Index AMA with Mike Blight - A conversation with the lead researcher behind the Sprout Social Index. If you haven’t downloaded the report or viewed the webinars yet there is still time, follow this link to get caught up.
