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New Members

🎉 Welcome New Members! 🎉

🎉 Welcome New Members! 🎉
Laura Porcincula
Community Manager

Welcome new Sprout Community Hub members! We are so excited you are here!

For everyone tagged as a new member, please introduce yourself in the thread. We would love to hear more about you and why you joined our community!

Tell us about yourself! Where you’re from, what industry/role you’re in and what’s one thing you’re currently working on which our community can help? 

@kelvin.scott @kate.wargo @enrique.tefel @kim.siep @Shayna @rob.cursons @lucianna @kevin.m @compriseagency @MichelleatDropandHook @tori.zito @CarolinaLopezA @gibson.westfall @gabriela.ana @catherine.krüger @jessica.wagner @marcie.murphy @andrea.novoa 


Make sure to RSVP to our Community Connect speed networking event on August 10th at 10am CST to connect with other professional individuals in the Sprout Community Hub! A chance to network and meet “face to face” in a semi-structured setting.

2 replies


Hi Laura! Hi Community!

I’m Michelle, founder of Drop & Hook - we’re a social media & content marketing agency dedicated to brands in transportation and logistics. I’ve been a Sprout user for ages and am a big fan, and I actually found my first full-time hire a few years back in the Sprout Facebook community so I appreciate all that the team does to build spaces like this in addition to the product. 

Happy to connect with anyone else working in my niche or just fellow Sprout users. 


Agency Partner

Hi Everyone! 

I recently joined a boutique PR firm in Richmond, VA, to build out our social media services. Our clients include food & bev, design, hospitality and fashion brands. 

I used Sprout in my previous role at Eddie Bauer so I was thrilled to learn I would be using a familiar tool in my new role! 

Excited to find efficiency through automation across publishing, reporting and listening for our clients!


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