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Hey everyone! Welcome to The Arboretum—so excited to have you join us!

Let's kick things off and get to know one another:

🌟 Introduce Yourself: Tell us your name, your role, and what got you passionate about social media.

💻 Favorite Platform: Which social media platform do you find most captivating and why?

🚀 Campaign Highlight: Share a standout campaign you've either worked on or really admired. What made it so perfect?

💡 Expert Advice: What’s your top tip for crafting killer social media content?

🔮 Future Trends: What do you think is the next big thing in social media, and how are you getting ready for it?

🧠 Learning Objectives: What are your goals for learning and achieving within our community?

Share a bit about yourself and be entered to win 1 of 2 Arb Swag Packages! Share by Wednesday, January 29. 2025 at 11:59pm to be official entered.

Participate to win one of two packages that include Arb branded socks, Moleskin pen, Arb sticker, pin and 

Your presence here is what makes The Arboretum thrive. Let's support each other and create an incredible community! 

​ @sarah.hiesl @marc54 @ken.sun1210 @Alicec @mikayla.tibbetts @JCS @jhill @rosie.gomez @leah.nguyen @Nicola.Brennan @bailee.obrien @lauren.walker @ATL @annetyoung @erin.heffernan @jraper @batts78 @chris.crider @shelley.robideaux @sidney.delgado @danielle.irigoyen @dianna.gatto @athom @gloriastarkk @kourtney.grunlien @jenn.dunstan @shauna.pepitone @mall.galleries @cheyennedavis9 @Citrine @Hayley.H @britt.hanson @rebekah.wuchner @katie.lindsay @Jenndun289 @gretchen.overton @itme.db @steph.hamilton @beth.wade @OPM @monica.makrai @bridgett.willis @elena.klimova @Lamprini Marketing @dlehmann @Donna @georgina.coll @Jessymaya @Pockd @mapepe @CWGAnita @erin.okeson @m_anastasia @lesley.wright @carla.sinclair @page.jones clark @julia.davila @brooke.labarre @matt.mem @maireadclements @rachel.rust @raquel.quintana @jaimee.kasperlik @eden_pierson @jean.rowe @liam.garrett @catcoutlynch @vishalkr @amanda.rice @RebFav @reid.z @jordan.noble @aladawod @brenda.geiger @alan.cunningham @Jenn Topp @peter.truong @charles.cunningham @marc.taylor @leonie.maes @Meghan CB @gilberte.tsafack @Laurie Ferris @hannah.jean.francis @erinniamhoconnorOA117 @Josebianchii @hhs.communications @AlenaC @WildBounds @kararyan @valdez.k. russell @paige.koster @gehealthcare @EmilyAshley @rebecca.murphy @elodge @computer.society @jamieloper @bri.smith @udiptlv @sebastian.vargas @james.guitard @madeline.schatz

🌟 Hey everyone - I’m Reid! I am currently the Digital Marketing Specialist at Looking Glass Factory. We’re a small but mighty tech startup based in Brooklyn, NY, paving the way to introduce the world to holograms! Social media has always fascinated me—from my early days of using it in middle school to where I am today. Being involved in the mechanics of this incredible tool that not only connects humans across the globe but also gives them a voice in any conversation was something I’ve always wanted to be a part of. Throw in the opportunity to get paid for it, and here I am, haha!

💻 As cliché as it may sound, TikTok is at the top of my list. It holds an unlimited number of layers and possibilities, and finding not only my place but my brand’s place within those layers is a challenge that excites me.

🚀 Something recent that I absolutely loved was the new Cheetos “Other Hand” campaign. I thought it was brilliant—a perfect mix of humor and brand attention—and a great reminder of what being a passionate expert in your field and product looks like.

💡 Not overthinking things is probably the biggest blocker in my current process. I constantly find myself in a loop, going around and around trying to come up with something good, only to waste time and produce something that feels too manufactured for social. Also, I am no expert lol—so maybe I should just tell myself this in the mirror, LOL.

🔮 AI is definitely a big factor, but I believe people will forever and always yearn for things made by humans for humans. So, I’m learning to incorporate AI in ways that boost my productivity without sacrificing creativity.

🧠 I want to connect with people from all walks of life. Not many people understand that navigating the digital world like we do is no easy task. We’re facing challenges that no one has ever dealt with before. I think I sometimes fall into traps with this, and I’d love a place where I can learn from others and be inspired by what they’re doing as we all carve out our paths.

Quick note: I’ve been part of the Arb before in my previous role, but I lost access when I switched to another company and returned my Sprout access. I’m happy to be back and ready to join y’all!

🌟 Introduce Yourself: Hey everyone! My name is Cheyenne Davis and I’m a Social Media and Campaign Manager currently at Greystar International (Real Estate). My focus is organic social media and campaign strategy with the aim to go full omni-channel by the end of 2025!


💻 Favorite Platform: I haven’t been able to close Instagram since opening! I took a year break from personal social use and it was the first app I logged back into. So much so, it is the main channel in all strategies that I’ve worked on…and there’s been a few!


🚀 Campaign Highlight: At my current role, I’ve been able to take the lead on external social media agency support- selecting the right agencies to the right brands and it is sooooooo rewarding to see the change in social media daily. With an optimised strategy, internal social media training and trust from the business, social has contributed to a 15% increase on leasing for one (out of the 31) brands that I currently work on. This year, I aim for those results across the board.

💡 Expert Advice: The only tip I have on creating content is relevance. If you don’t get it, nobody else will x 


🔮 Future Trends: Video, video, video. Let A.I help…a little bit haha. 

🧠 Learning Objectives: My goal is to meet people like me. I’ve been doing this for thirteen years and I don’t know / speak to like minded people enough. A big step for me but I’m taking it! Thanks for having me :-) 

🌟 Hello from Seattle! I’m Kaily Serralta, social media manager at Friends of Waterfront Park. I somewhat plopped into social media marketing after a few MarCom roles at local and regional nonprofits. I truly love storytelling through different medium, and giving fans of these nonprofits content to cheer for, share, and engage with that makes them feel a sense of optimism. 

💻 My favorite platform would have to be Instagram from a visual perspective. I’m a Formula 1 fan (rather a Lewis Hamilton fan), and I often to go their accounts for inspiration on content. Sometimes we need a little inspiration and that’s often my go-to. 

🚀 My top campaign highlight has to be the first Music’s in Our Blood campaign with Bloodworks Northwest, including a pop of hello from Macklemore.

💡 My expert advice: Let your followers do the talking. There’s nothing more powerful than when real people who are impacted by an organization’s mission show and tell what matters to them, why others should support the organization, and how to get involved. 

🔮 Future Trends: Pffff. I’m stuck on this one. Of course, video is still going to be THE format. 

🧠 Learning Objectives: I’m hoping to be inspired by peer organizations in the civic engagement, parks, and nonprofit space, especially as a team of 1.

🌟  Hi, I’m Bekah! I’m the social media strategist for The Nature Conservancy. I’ve been in social for almost my entire career, from government to public education to nonprofits. While it has its downsides, I love what social can do for the world and (in my current role) the planet. 

💻 Pinterest is my safe space. My feed never shows me anything negative. It’s all creativity. 

🚀 The Michael CeraVe campaign had no business being that clever. 

💡 Trust your gut. 

🔮 Honestly, right now, I think we need to be ready for anything. So that just means being nimble. 

🧠 I’m happy to have this space to connect with other peers and learn from their work. 

🌟 Hi everyone! My name is Lauren Fischer and I am the social media manager for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra! I’ve been at the job for a little over 6 months and it’s been a dream. I started running social in college, after approaching my college band director about resurrecting our marching band’s FB and IG. I love bringing together my interests in social and music to create the next generation of classical music fans!

💻 Personally, pre-2024 Twitter...professionally, I love using Instagram. There’s so many ways to engage with your followers, and I’ve found it fun to interact with comments on our account. It feels like I’m talking directly to our audiences!

🚀 This is a very well-known one, but I think as a consumer I’ll always remember the day Taylor Swift completely wiped her socials, later posting a snake video to tease her 2017 album, Reputation. I came to school that day and EVERYONE was talking about it. She created all this buzz, and we didn’t even know what it was for. A lot of artists employ this tactic today, but Taylor’s is the one I remember that had the most shock value. I love when artists switch up their social strategy like that!

💡 Put yourself in the mindset of when you’re scrolling on socials. Not professionally. I’m talking about laying in bed, mindlessly swiping away as the hours tick on. What kind of content makes you stop your scroll? What about it made you take pause? When I’m stuck on how to frame a post, I think back to what I’d want to see as a follower. It’s helped me create more engaging content over time.

🔮 We’re in such a precarious state with social media right now. I do anticipate things getting worse, with more and more distressing news on the tl. I think what we as SMMs can do is continue to create content that engages, entertains, and even provides a little bit of hope for people during these difficult days. People come to social media to laugh and escape. We can give them that kind of content.

🧠 It can feel lonely being a SMM sometimes! I’m here to find community and get help when I inevitably run into problems with Meta Business Suite.
