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New Member Welcome

👋 Welcome New Members: November 7th

  • 7 November 2023
  • 2 replies
👋 Welcome New Members: November 7th

Welcome to the Arb community, new members!

We are excited you’ve joined us in this dynamic digital space, where growth, learning, and valuable connections thrive. Let's get to know each other better and share our unique journeys.

👋 Introduce Yourself!

We want to get to know you! Take a moment to introduce yourself to the community and share your location, background, interests, and what motivated you to join the Arboretum. We're excited to hear from you!

​​​Here are some prompts to inspire your introduction:

1️⃣ What brought you to the Arboretum? Share your origin story!

2️⃣ Do you have a secret passion for a specific area in social media marketing? We'd love to know!

3️⃣ Any big challenges or exciting goals you'd like to chat about with our community?

4️⃣ Let's add a personal touch. Tell us something unique about you, unrelated to marketing.

5️⃣ Anything in particular about social media marketing that's piqued your interest? We're all ears!

After your intro, take a gander at our handy Welcome Guide and get your profile in the groove. We're here to make your journey enjoyable!

📆 While you’re here, make sure to check out our upcoming events this month in the Arb:

@olena.sosyedova  @joshua.cruz  @Mimi  @amy.stojanovic  @samantha.silverman22  @mark.haughton  @aidan.meche  @julie.perezaj  @st.⎵  @starbangdo  @kaleighbruijns  @cecezambrano  @blythe.cartmill  @We.Are.Meraki  @ttressitt  @Erin.O'Donnell  @lucy.salinas  @matt⎵broughton  @ann_kristin.sass  @amandachahine  @eightysixmedia  @MaryP  @katelyn.louis  @rachel.collazo  @Rhonda.m.linn  @chelsey.jordan  @ezra.o  @terry.gaylord  @coby.seaver  @renatakapilevich  @CDoyle_ZOLL  @Dusti_T  @bmathew  @patriziadadamo  @JBSales  @tess  @kristin.wratney  @brj2  @carolanne  @sprout.user23  @jmascari  @TWMeyer  @Gurmehar  @chelsea.sump  @Jordan⎵Brown  @cristinem_  @bthomas  @andrew.son  @bbruno  @julia.singer  @amanda.mier  @bradi.rother  @RHolroyd  @chelsey.williams  @gillian.keller  @StephanieMY  @katiearmel  @liz.mackiewicz  @ChrisRusack  @SGrobler  @kaiya.brooks  @jenius  @andrew.todd  @Rowdy  @molly.bish  @christina.duren  @jill.paster  @Jolene⎵Molaski  @Kathryn⎵Gentile  @olivia.ulch  @liv.ceithaml  @jennifer.sczerbowicz  @emma.dent  @lfoley  @sophie.tate  @victoriabsandt  @eva.richards  @JSweeney  @stacey.kaplan  @hayleigh.winpenny  @dirk.perrefort  @dana.thomas  @jordan.sandlin  @jen.degnan  @holsheridan  @Nick.Skorupski  @mackenzie.patterson  @drew.lind  @la⎵tanya.miller_wimes  @CarolinaBryant  @CUCSnyc  @Douglas⎵Elliman⎵Long⎵Island  @speele  @marketing.phi  @santosaj1  @AD84  @iussw.communications  @erin.hawkins  @kat.pospelova  @michael.spiro  @alli.hoffer  @cstitt  @philip.starkey  @charlotte.lines  @patricia.namba  @tatyana.teuta  @naveeta.bhatia  @kelly.oldham  @claire.simpson  @malissa.brathwaite  @samira.baamar  @patience.ngondonga  @SocialNB  @milo.hewitt  @sarah.dalziel  @diana.kerr  @hu.⎵⎵media  @krystlef28  @Mamba⎵Digital  @mary.flores  @james.king  @laurenlongo24  @gabrielle.palmer  @dina.cook  @sara.emmons16  @kara.glenwright  @ldekalb  @jana.hammontree  @katerina.le  @jeri.soncrant  @NJBIA  @diana.krueger  @Jorge.mariscalvalle  @social.assistant  @regina.rodriguez_martin  @anna.wackenhuth  @julia.karacius  @kearsten.kirby  @whitney.jennings  @maplata  @lindsey.mason  @nancy.riens  @ellis.sawyer  @lindsay.holtz  @raven.wilson  @Nate.GItz  @erin.wagner  @briel.young  @Sam⎵Bradbury⎵Koster  @hindman.auctions  @katie.franz  @Madeline.Deforest  @kayla.karlsson  @Leane.M  @merari.s  @victoria.rouse  @amy.crawford  @renata.lima  @dyah.miller  @emily.schedlbauer  @kristin.hill  @haileyfitch  @carly.stade  @victor.mathieu  @michael  @kathryn.king  @jessica.yeh  @bibin.parippil  @mglaze  @max.herman  @noelle.seybert  @southwestkey  @giselleguzman  @sema'jay.hall  @sal4027  @gvandenavond  @qig4002  @daniela.chavez  @cody.corrall  @leslie.wooters  @Merlyn⎵Melesia  @melissafritts  @kayleigh.jones  @jds_2023  @rebecca.hay  @pete.m  @abbie.p  @arynattwill  @br00taldan  @ellie.madison  @hrollo  @Grant  @Kortnieg  @Kortnie.g  @simon.hart7  @mariapalma  @Btougas  @cj.mendoza

2 replies

Userlevel 1

Hey everyone!

I’m Terry and recently started a Social Media Marketing Specialist role. I post for a few different brands and also support the sales staffs personal social media efforts. 

  1. What brought me to the Arb community, was honestly an email from Sprout Social, which my company just adopted. I have little professional experience with social media, and so I’m looking to learn anything and everything I can to further my career and help my company. 
  2. I’m particularly interested in paid social and tracking the performance on GA4! 
  3. One big challenge of mine is defining my brand’s social media strategy - particularly, what should and shouldn’t be posted on LinkedIn vs Facebook, etc. It’s easy to stick with a calendar and post for the sake of brand awareness. But what are we really looking to accomplish on each platform?
    Another related challenge is that I’m in the mortgage industry, and thus far much of my content has been geared toward Realtors and other referral sources. On the other hand, what do our end consumers actually care about? How can I create content that is appealing and more easily digestible for prospective home buyers?
  4. I love being creative! Whether that’s playing in the town symphonic band, creating my own digital music or mashups, or even experimenting on Blender 3D graphic software - that’s a very new one, and a really difficult one to get into (I just created my first 3D donut)!
  5. I am really interested in figuring out how I can apply a “less is more” approach to social media. While we have an in-house graphic designer, I think it would be great if I could learn the basics of design to create great posts/ads!
Userlevel 5
Badge +1

whoa… that’s a lot of new members! 
