
Are you considering Nextdoor for community engagement or for sponsored content?

Userlevel 1

Hello Healthcare Hub 👋🏽

A few months ago I met a couple of health county services directors who shared that their community engagement strategy now includes Nextdoor because of the granular targeting options.

I started paying more attention to my Nextdoor feed and I have seen an increase of healthcare organizations ads. (3 examples from just this morning attached)

I was wondering who else is considering, or is already using Nextdoor, and how?



7 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

We have not, but I have a call with our program manger in three minutes and will be discussing exploring this with her. Thank you! 

Userlevel 1

@chandler.pacheco I just commented on your post about recruiting so I’m tagging you here so you can see the example 🙂

Userlevel 1

The thing that worries me with NextDoor is that they offer no way for brands to monitor and respond on conversations about them, and no API with any social tools. If this has changed, I’d definitely consider them. 

Userlevel 2

Our organization has utilized Nextdoor advertising for the past few months. We’re a blood center and have used the platform to retain past donors, acquire new donors, and even promote some of our larger blood drives. I attached a few ad previews for reference. Here are my high-level takeaways from the platform:

  • Pros
    • Can geotarget down to the neighborhood level
    • Dynamic location ad copy and headlines
    • Reach an audience more community focused
  • Cons
    • Limited metrics (compared to other platforms)
    • Very few interest based targeting options
  • Takeaway
    • While Nextdoor Ads don’t drive the same level of end results of other paid social platforms, it does provide a good opportunity to reach a new community-focused audience at a hyperlocal level. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

If you’re a Sprout customer you can share this product feedback in our Ideas forum here, and upvote other ideas too! Our product team will see it and provide updates as they have them. I just did a quick search and I don’t see a request for a Nextdoor integration in there yet, I’d love for someone to submit it! 

Userlevel 1

Unfortunately not a Sprout customer yet. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@njperry, I’ll find someone in here to submit it on your behalf. 😁
