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It’s International Women's Day!

Today, we celebrate the achievements, contributions, and resilience of all who identify as women across the world. It is a day to recognize the progress we have made towards gender equality, but also a reminder of the work that still needs to be done.

If you would like to learn more about how your brand can celebrate today and the rest of Women’s History Month, check out this article by @katie.woods, featuring @steph.hermanson and Arboretum member @AlexaHeinrich

Read the article: Happy Women’s History Month

In honor of International Women’s Day, and International Women’s History Month, please shine a well-deserved spotlight in the thread below, on a woman who has inspired you or made a significant impact on your life. I’m sure there is likely more than one person who has made an impact, so feel free to share them all as we celebrate everyone that identifies as a woman today!

I'm thankful for so many amazing women who have impacted my life. My grandmother taught me to be a strong independent woman, my mother who continues to encourage me when I'm low, and endless colleagues through the years. Right now I work for almost all women and I love it! Shout out to @Gayatri Shukla@sarah.melton@allie.mullen and the rest of my colleagues here in the Arboretum, which is basically all of you who identify as women here in the Arb.

I also wanted to share someone whom I don't know personally, but lives in my community and has inspired me for years. Tania Finlayson was born with Cerebral Palsy and doesn't have use of any of her limbs and cannot talk vocally. She found her voice through Morse code and partnered with Google to bring Morse code to Gboard. I discovered her story about 5 years ago when I was going through a hard time and she really helped me in moving on to the next chapter. Please follow this link and learn more about her story, I know you’ll feel inspired by her too!

Experiments with Google - Hello Morse

🍿Popcorn to @Brooke B. Sellas@mary@raven.gill@rachel.coffey@lisa.rodrigo, @manda and @melissa.judy, would love to hear who has inspired you!


My mom has the biggest inspiration for my life. She went from being a stay at home mom, to getting her associates degree, to being a single mother and being a career woman while raising three girls and enabled all of us to get our college education. 

Amelia Earhart, because she was the first woman I had to do a report on in school in the 3rd grade and her story and inspiration has always stuck with me. 

@AlexaHeinrich @TalissaBeall @LauraPorcincula @Sydney Nielsen and so many amazing woman I have met through Sprout over the last few years. 

I love all of this @raven.gill, your mother sounds like an amazing human. Also a fan of Amelia Earhart! 

My mom has the biggest inspiration for my life. She went from being a stay at home mom, to getting her associates degree, to being a single mother and being a career woman while raising three girls and enabled all of us to get our college education. 

Amelia Earhart, because she was the first woman I had to do a report on in school in the 3rd grade and her story and inspiration has always stuck with me. 

@AlexaHeinrich @TalissaBeall @LauraPorcincula @Sydney Nielsen and so many amazing woman I have met through Sprout over the last few years. 


Going to take a page from @raven.gill’s book and also acknowledge my mom as well. My mom sacrificed so much for me by having me in her late teens. She taught me powerful lessons regarding kindness, being humble, being self-sufficient, the power of being educated, how to advocate for myself, and so many other life lessons that I carry with me today. Most importantly of all, she has taught me the value of resilience. 

On a professional level, I wouldn’t be where I am without my former boss, Amanda Brown. She always challenged me, encouraged my sometimes out there ideas, and was a champion for our team during some very challenging moments. I took many pages from her book when I became a people manager. 

I’d also like to acknowledge @steph.hermanson on this day. I’ve only known her for a few weeks since joining Sprout, but the mentorship she has extended to me has been invaluable and it has made my career transition a much calmer experience. 

@raven.gill,  @jackie.dunham, Jackie Baum, Sarah Dickson, MJ Price and  @samantha.manfrin thank you all for your professional wisdom over the years. Y’all are absolutely stellar women on a professional and personal level. 

@talissa.beall this is everything! Thank YOU for inspiring me to go one step further, tackle challenges head on, and being a joy to work with. It was wonderful supporting you on opposites sides, but I’m so grateful and lucky we are now on the same team! 

@talissa.beall You got me right in the feels! Thank you so much for this shoutout. Words of affirmation are my jam!
