
LinkedIn profile badges, anyone?

  • 14 June 2022
  • 3 replies

Badge +1

Not sure if I have the right terminology here! I work for a member organisation. I’ve been asked to look into whether we can create some kind of digital badge or certificate for our members to add to their LinkedIn profiles. Wondered if anyone had any advice in this area please - my rudimentary google searches haven’t come up with the goods… thank you, Karen

3 replies

Hi @karen.nower, i’m not sure how helpful this will be in the stage you’re at here with looking into badges and certificates, but, I also am working on our certification strategy here at Sprout, and I plan to watch this webinar on the topic from Skilljar (who we work with to build out our Learning Portal). Maybe it could be useful to you as well? Let me know what you think. 

Badge +1

Thank you!


Hey @karen.nower -- we work with for digital badges at our organization. We issue badges when members complete certain designations but are investigating other uses as well. Pretty simple process. Good luck!
