The buzz around AI has a lot of social pros wondering: is AI coming for my job?

Userlevel 1

AI is not a replacement for social teams. But it is going to change how you work.

How are you feeling about AI? Excited? Nervous? A healthy mix of the two? I wrote about why AI is not a replacement for social teams, but it will change the way you work.

Check it out for some quotes from @jeff.macdonald, who has an event coming up in the Arb on June 8th on AI. 

Want to learn more? Read my full article here:

2 replies

Userlevel 2
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AI is our friend, not foe! There will never be a replacement for the wit and cunning of a great social media specialist, but ChatGPT can be really helpful when it comes to caption writing when you dont know where to start!

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Thank you so much for the chance to share my thoughts on AI @carly.hill, I hope everyone find this info helpful!
