Guess what? It's time for the first episode of the year!
In 2024, we're back with all the juicy details on the latest happenings. This week's lineup includes AR adventures, the grand opening of the GPT Store, TikTok Chromecasting, and a whole lot more fun! So, grab your snacks, get comfy, and let's dive into this week's blast of exciting news!
Want to learn more? Read the following stories:
- Next Stage of AR Is Coming as Functional Glasses Near Consumer Launch
- CES 2024: You Can Now Watch TikTok on Your TV
- X Announces New, Exclusive Shows With Former TV Identities
- Introducing the GPT Store
🏆 While you’re here, enter our Community Giveaway, ending January 12, 2023 at 12 p.m. CT: