I’m not one to be idle. As I was asked to assume the role of “Social Media Guy” in my company with no prior experience, my focus (insistence, really) on education has been effectively non-stop for six years. Endless seminars, webinars, online classes etc for countless subjects, all in an effort not just to excel at my job, but to truly make a difference in the future of my company.
Here’s the problem: there is precious little “advanced” education out there. The vast majority of online courses are focused - nay fixated - on the basic architecture and implementation of the application, be it Facebook, Instagram, Google Analytics and the like. I need more, and I know of very few places to get it.
So, far here’s my list of resources I consider potentially “Advanced”:
Facebook Ads: Jon Loomer’s “Power Hitters Club”
Analytics: Trust Insights “So What” videos on YouTube & measurementmarketing.io
Google Ads: CXL.com (Potentially)
Copywriting: Also, CXL
Pinterest/Twitter: NO Earthly Clue
Presentation/Data Vis Skills (NEED THOSE): Absolutely, unequivocally, no idea
So, now that you’ve read my diatribe, whatcha think? Who do you trust for advanced education?
Don’t get me wrong...I’m all for the “learn by doing” mantra, and I am - but education is the far faster route to understanding the potential of a thing. I don’t know what I don’t know.
Ya know?