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Would you be willing to do an AMA for us?

  • 26 October 2021
  • 7 replies

Hey there to all our beta testing friends! Would you be willing to join an AMA as either a guest or question asker? We’d love to build that process with you and get feedback on how things feel from both sides. If so, please comment below and we’ll get to work!

Let us know what your AMA would cover as a “theme”, too. What about you would make you a great AMA guest?! Everyone in here would be amazing, so be sure to big yourself up!

Expected working time for guest:

  • 30 minutes for prep
  • 1 hour for AMA

Expected working time for question askers:

  • 1 hour for AMA

A free, rapid, qualified exchange of ideas?  A faster way to GET SMARTER?? I’m in.  Absolutely.

I’m in to help as well! :-)

HI Joe. I would be willing to help out. Let me know what I can do.


@john.venen and @bill.braun Thank you!

Be sure to ask questions (live or ahead of time) on this thread! 


Hey, I’m in! I can talk about government social media, being a team of one, dealing with negative customers, wellbeing and resiliency, or any combo of those!

I am absolutely down to help if you still need it! Question asker OR they one being asked. My sweet spot is social media and mental health and things you can do to keep a healthy balance. Can also speak to being a team of 1, translating social media skills into other positions, and carving out a space in an industry that does not really leverage social media, and developing a strategy completely from scratch.

I’m down! Let’s do it.
