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Wins and Challenges - Day 8 Give-a-way

  • December 11, 2024
  • 6 replies

Agency Partner

Hey Arbors,

Here’s a WIN!  We recently upgraded to paid Canva at work (I went 2.5 years on the free plan.  NOW being able to resize my creative to other social channel sizes is a HUGE WIN for me.  What an incredible time saver.

Here’s a CHALLENGE. - Meta’s dashboard is a nightmare at times to figure out.  So, I recently had them shut me down.  I applied twice with challenges.  The 2nd time, they lifted the restriction and said it was a mistake made by their technology.  But, when I go to Ads Manager I have 2 big notifications on the page saying my account is suspended.  It says go to “Business Support Home” for more info.  When I go there, it has the message, “We removed your restriction because we made a mistake.  I am able to run campaigns from Facebook Business Suite, but I can’t do anything in Ads Manager.  I sent support screenshots asking why I have two different, contradictory messages (about 3 weeks ago) and have heard nothing back.
Did I mention I don’t like Meta’s system much?

Have a stellar day everyone.

6 replies

I have had the same issue with Meta going on 2.5 years now. I have a whole folder of screenshots that I send constantly, I’ve submitted every support claim possible, have talked to numerous “pros” and been bounced between different departments. It’s a nightmare. Out of nowhere last month I was able to start boosting posts again, but can’t do anything else. And every now and then I get a message on FB from Meta Business Support saying “it's been a while since you ran an ad. We’re just reminding you that ads are a great way to showcase your brand.”

Why yes, it has been a while...because you won’t let me. 

So when you get really frustrated over this, just remember you’re not alone in this battle 🙃


First off, ​@scott.mck, is Arbors a thing because if not it SHOULD 😂

Stoked that you upgraded your Canva account, the resize function is one of my favorites and I like that you can also do simple video editing in there as well!

Also, don’t attempt to contact Meta because you’ll just waste your own time.. Meta is the worst and I constantly am logging off with a Meta-Induced migraine. Something that has helped me is simultaneously having ChatGPT up if I run into issues. It acts as a Meta support chat and can help answer a lot of my trouble shooting. Hope that helps!


Agency Partner
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  • Agency Partner
  • 39 replies
  • December 11, 2024


Hey, fellow Arbor!
Thanks for the idea of using ChatGPT as a meta support replacement.  I think I might have to try that next time.

I seriously went through a month of anguish with Meta, with the boss wanting to start boosting posts ASAP in early October and taking until mid-November to finally sort things out with them.  I was trying to explain to the boss it was not my fault.  Anyway, I was relieved to get back on line once we got their apology.



@scott.mck I’m sorry to hear that put you under some pressure with management. Never fun to have pressure from both sides but I’m glad Meta came back with an apology. I bet that felt good! Keep it up, man.

  • Level 1
  • 8 replies
  • December 11, 2024

Having the right tools is so important! Congrats on getting an upgraded Canva account!

  • Level 5
  • 96 replies
  • December 12, 2024

Yes to paid Canva… my boss said yes back in the spring and she’s getting her money’s worth! Has me creating all sorts of designs for other teams, but I don’t mind :)

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