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Has anyone experienced a drop in engagements and impressions these past few months? We went from seeing consistent impressions and engagements to a dramatic loss in the last few months with no real understanding as to why this might be. 

The same goes for Facebook followers, as we’ve been seeing a loss rather than growth in the same timespan.

Hey Cameron, 

 We’ve experienced that, too! This is odd because our summer campaigns and individual posts have been strong, but our overall profile performance has dropped! 

I was reading in a blog post that it might have to do with Facebook promoting more ads and threads. 

I’m trying new hashtags and tagging more of our collaborators to see if that helps us get back into our audience’s algorithms. 

Why Am I Only Seeing Ads On Facebook? Why Is My Facebook Feed All Ads? (


I wanted to stop by and let you know you are not alone in this! :) 

You’re not alone! Our clients are experiencing big dips in impressions in the first half of 2023 - even with paid support. Engagements have been rising, likely due to our paid efforts but impressions seem to be tanking. I am always on the lookout for a site that pools social data and provides benchmarks that we can use to measure our performance against. 


As far as dips in followers, I equate that to more platforms combing for bots so what you’re losing could be related to that? In my opinion, most users don’t know how to unfollow, especially on Facebook. 



My team has actually seen an increase in engagement on Facebook interestingly. We’ve been posting more on our FB stories and that is definitely being seen more on our followers timelines.

All interesting findings, thank you very much for your insight! 😊

Think this is likely a universal trend for everyone across the board. Less people react or comment publicly. There’s so much activity happening on “dark social” or BTS or whatever you want to call it where people are saving or sharing in their DMs. And the unfortunate thing for us SMM is not having insight into that activity. 
