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How to add users to manage Facebook pages?

  • November 7, 2024
  • 2 replies


Our agency is working on helping some clients create their own Meta Business Portfolios so we can transfer assets to them and the clients can own their Pages. We understand Facebook’s policy against using secondary “work” profiles to manage these, but it’s hard to believe there isn’t a more efficient way to ensure someone’s personal profile is clearly separated from their work one, whether that’s due to personal boundaries or even just avoiding accidental postings from the wrong profile on a Page.

I’ve seen a few recommendations to use Facebook’s “multiple profiles” feature, but I’m not understanding how that specific profile gets added to a Business Portfolio. Because you have to add someone with their email address, which is associated with their main profile. How do we only allow their alternate profile to be the admin? Does anyone have insights on how that works (or doesn’t)?

Thanks in advance!

2 replies


Hi Mariah,

User access should be granted via a business’ Meta Business Manager. Partner access can also be granted through this.

We use a team member’s corporate email address for set up in Business Manager. Once the invitation is sent and clicked on, Facebook requires authentication to a user’s personal FB account. Business page users can only see the user’s name and profile photo (and this takes some searching to get to these settings). 

We grant users Partial Access that allows them to switch to the business profile. We also teach that they should see their business logo if they are posting to the business page. If they see their personal profile at any time, they are posting as themselves. 

I also teach about settings on Meta and how they need to check their privacy settings to understand what is public on Meta. 

Hope this helps.



We follow the same process as Melissa. You can use corporate email addresses to invite admins to the Meta Business Manager. Because of scam/security settings, sometimes these might get caught, so if the client’s admins aren’t receiving the email, I would recommend they notify their IT department to let them know that they are expecting emails from Meta/Facebook for certain employees.

We also use separate work phones. While this doesn’t completely help for Facebook, I try not to switch to our organization’s FB account when I’m on my personal phone and stay in the org’s FB profile on my work phone.


Also, admins with partial access can’t switch into the company/org FB page. They need to use Meta Business Suite to access the page. This is ideal for customer support roles, for example. Here is more information about partial access:



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