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Facebook Hacked




My personal Facebook was hacked and it’s tied to all the accounts I manage for my company and the ad accounts. I have two factor authenication. I have spoken to Meta twice, they said they got rid of the bad actor, but it appears that bad actor is still there trying run ads through our business manager account. Has this happened to anyone before? Any advice? 





11 replies

  • Level 4
  • 48 replies
  • May 30, 2024

Yikes this is awful. Did you get your account back and change all passwords? Did you go in business manager to clean up all permissions in case they gave access to another account. Are they using your credit card? 

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  • May 30, 2024

I got my personal account back and changed my password. They tried running ads through our accounts, but Meta has already refunded the credit cards. 

My cyber security team had my boss remove me from Meta Business Manager and no he can’t re-add the new account I because the ad account is restricted. Meta support won’t talk to me now that I am no longer an admin. I set up a call for my boss tomorrow to at least get the account unrestricted and get myself added back so I can work with Meta on getting this resolved. It’s a big mess 🤪

Laura Porcincula
Community Manager

I’m sorry to hear this @dan.levey, I will ask around and let you know if anyone at Sprout has some advice for you.

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  • May 31, 2024

Thank you @Laura Porcincula, I really appreciate it. Yeah, it’s been a nightmare to say the least. Me, my boss, our web guy, and someone from IT spent 90 minutes on the phone with Meta’ “Tech Support.” It took talking to one person, then a chat bot, then another chat bot, and finally, someone from tech support. They can’t give us a timeline, all they said is that they will either email or call me or my boss with an update. We found the malicious pixel they attached to our ads manager and the foreign email. They were unable to delete them, they assigned our case to someone specialized from the tech team. We are supposed to have another call with them at 3pm CT today. It’s pretty frustrating. The support people we are able to talk to on the phone are ticket updates and not actual technical resources. Despite multiple asks, they will not bring the technical resources onto the phone call. That is the pain and reason for delays. I told my boss after this gets resolved, we need to revaluate advertising with Meta. 

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  • June 4, 2024

Had another call with a Meta Tech Pro this morning. They were still unable to help. They said our case has been escalated, but they are not able to provide an update on the status. They said our best course of action is to reach out to support in the chat we already have, be firm with them and ask for a status update. Then ask for another call with them to get an update. If we don’t hear anything from them, I was instructed to email the tech pro who contacted me. They said to give the chats a day to respond. They cautioned against opening a new ticket, saying it would slow down our current ticket. I have reached out to the chats to get updates, but we have not yet heard anything. I will keep pushing until I get a response.

Laura Porcincula
Community Manager

Hey @dan.levey, my colleagues have said everything you’re doing is what they would also. I’ve got my ears open for you and will share anything new that I come across. I’m really hoping you have some success soon. Keep me updated!

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  • 26 replies
  • June 4, 2024

Hey @Laura Porcincula, thank you. I appreciate the response and the reassurance. It was kind of a relief my boss and our IT manager were also on the call, they also got to see how bad Meta’s support it, so that helped. I am hoping for a resolution soon. 

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  • June 6, 2024

Still no updates from Meta. The person I spoke with said to keep harassing the chat and so far nothing has changed. My personal account was hacked again yesterday, but luckily I was able to secure it. I have a very strong password and MFA. I was able to remove the two email accounts on there. The person I spoke with at Meta on Tuesday said to give it until Monday 😳 

She said to reach out to her on Monday if I don’t hear back. This is insane. The worst part is my boss is panicking and he hasn’t said it, but I get the feeling he thinks I’m not taking it seriously. I am, there is only so much I can do. I feel that this is on Meta, they need to do better. Not being able to respond or provide any kind of update is ridiculous. I have spoken to a few marketing execs and I said that once this is resolved, we need to reconsider advertising with them. It just feels like it’s never ending. 

  • Author
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  • 26 replies
  • June 14, 2024

Hi everyone, 

So Meta contacted me and said the issue was resolved. I checked, and the issue was not resolved. 


The worst part is my boss is panicking, he has not been empathetic, and he seems to think the executive team will equate social with the hack when it comes to budgeting. I am honestly worried about my job, am I just overthinking? 

Laura Porcincula
Community Manager

I’m so sorry to hear this @dan.levey. Sending positive vibes your way and hoping for a resolution soon. 

  • Author
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  • June 14, 2024

Thank you @Laura Porcincula


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