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Beta Feedback - Open Session

  • 9 December 2021
  • 0 replies

We’re holding an open session for beta feedback from you all.

In this session, Paul Nowak and Joe Huber will be available for you to share the things you have enjoyed, what was confusing, what should change, and what will make this experience better for others as we continue to open up the group. Zoom details are listed below.

One thing to call out specifically is that you’re all welcome to join the community founders group, if you haven’t already. Those in that group will receive on-going networking events, space to share information, and access to Team Sprout. You’ll also get a chance to fill out information for some swag! Join the community founders group, today.


Zoom details:

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Meeting ID: 944 3510 6613
Passcode: 760410
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