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Name: Kris Hadley

Title: Digital Marketing Manager

Company: TTCU Federal Credit Union

Hobbies: Movies, productivity hacking, fantasy football and trying to keep up with two amazing sons

Something I want to learn: How to be a better team leader (always growing)

Something I’m good at: Overusing emojis and watching the West Wing

A question I’d like answered: How to get employees to understand and support social strategy

Headshot: This is the closest thing I have!


Welcome, Kris! Thank you for being a part of this beta launch!

Following up on the “productivity hacking” hobby: Have you ever heard of Sunsama? I use it and definitely recommend checking it out. It’s such a great tool and helps me manage my workload.

What’s your biggest productivity tip for us? I’m similar in that I’m always looking to make things more organized!

Whoa, @joe.huber - that is a great reco! I’ll definitely give that tool a look. Thanks!

My biggest tip comes from the GTD world of thinking - get all of your commitments out of your head and into a system that’s easy to reference. So many people don’t write stuff down and try to remember stuff in their heads and it’s just impossible. I use Todoist ( as my system of choice, so everything goes there. Less stress, less worry about missing deadlines or details.

Hi Chris! I also do social for a credit union. Would be great to connect sometime!

Hey @cailley - agree! I’ll send you a direct message. 
