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🍝 National Pasta Day Alert: Here’s a fun Pasta account to follow on social!

Gayatri Shukla
Community Manager

🍝 It’s National Pasta Day today in the United States! If I’m being honest, every day is Pasta day in my books. But since today it’s “official”, let’s talk about Pasta-focused chefs/culinary influencers on social. 

My favorite Pasta account on social is: Nadia Caterina Munno aka The Pasta Queen. (Find her here on TikTok, and here on Instagram). She is a celebrity on culinary social with a combined total of 3.7+ million followers, has authored a book that you can pre-order on Amazon, and, wait for it - launched her own cookware range because she started getting inquiries on the ones she used in her videos. So she basically grew two new businesses from scratch all thanks to her social clout. Here’s her recipe for social success:

A. Humor: Can we talk about her hilariously melodramatic storytelling and scripts? Thanks to her, I now refer to pasta water only as “Tears of the Gods”. With a dramatic hair flip, of course.💃🏽 Check out the video below to see what I mean.

Video Source: The Pasta Queen’s YouTube channel

B. Simplicity: She makes reels/TikToks which are essentially short-format educational videos - that give you a quick, TLDR recipe for some pretty unique + homely pasta dishes. Not necessarily the kind you find at an Italian restaurant, but the kind that you find at an Italian Nonna’s house. No complicated ingredients, techniques, or equipment are involved. 🍝

C. Positivity & Empowerment. I find her content culinarily empowering because she makes me genuinely believe that I too can make pasta from scratch, while not breaking my back or setting the kitchen on fire. 😇

What about you? What are some of your favorite Pasta accounts on social? Drop them in thread below, and tell me why you’d recommend following them - you know I’ll follow them in a heartbeat 🙃.

7 replies

Laura Porcincula
Community Manager

@Gayatri Shukla hasn’t stopped talking about pasta since I posted @AlexaHeinrich‘s Community Spotlight.

LauraPorcincula wrote:

@Gayatri Shukla hasn’t stopped talking about pasta since I posted @AlexaHeinrich‘s Community Spotlight.

There’s no such thing as too much pasta talk. Speaking of which, just found this recipe today.

Laura Porcincula
Community Manager
AlexaHeinrich wrote:
LauraPorcincula wrote:

@Gayatri Shukla hasn’t stopped talking about pasta since I posted @AlexaHeinrich‘s Community Spotlight.

There’s no such thing as too much pasta talk. Speaking of which, just found this recipe today.

That looks delicious! I love brie.

Gayatri Shukla
Community Manager
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  • October 18, 2022

Thank you, @AlexaHeinrich - I truly feel seen and heard 🤠. Also, yum! Going to try that recipe for sure.  @LauraPorcincula “too much” doesn’t go with “pasta” 🙃


loving everything about this thread. 🙌

Gayatri Shukla
Community Manager
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  • 114 replies
  • October 26, 2022

@lisa.rodrigo Thank you! Great minds appreciate pasta and pasta talk 😎. What’s your favorite Pasta account on social?


I sadly don’t follow any… a gap in feed that shall be rectified shortly!

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