Hey everyone! Welcome to The Arboretum—so excited to have you join us!
Let's kick things off and get to know one another:
🌟 Introduce Yourself: Tell us your name, your role, and what got you passionate about social media.
💻 Favorite Platform: Which social media platform do you find most captivating and why?
🚀 Campaign Highlight: Share a standout campaign you've either worked on or really admired. What made it so perfect?
💡 Expert Advice: What’s your top tip for crafting killer social media content?
🔮 Future Trends: What do you think is the next big thing in social media, and how are you getting ready for it?
🧠 Learning Objectives: What are your goals for learning and achieving within our community?
Your stories and insights are what make The Arboretum unique. Let’s support each other and create an incredible community!
@jo.zhou @isatimiraos @geishagarcia @alyssadavis @Crownshite @pamela.reynoso @maybegoodbye @maggie.karantonakis @Ruth.Clay @lizadaaniel @Benjamin01 @kelly.mclemore @delaney.tureson @rosie.schroeder @Kdavison00 @abbyhhernandez @wendy.felton @hilary.k @h.ralphson @nicolas.w @keane @liz.hecht @lauren.garvey @katie.conig @meaamico @nicoledaly64 @rachel.adams @chris.joda @marshadunn @sarah.mcgowan @saidul @MariahEnr @sdeepak @andrea.traylor @mbl.communications @victoria.gonzalez @cassie.sonnentag @Andreag-27 @Hannah Wright @brett.forde @smoua @DerekKing @Lilkjeld @RachelPutman @narada @jeremy.mcguire @Alan @mreusche @sydjlew @dstoesz @itsmegan @Jack M @AngelB @Scott Chidgey @worknetbeam9809 @liahaberman @dgibbs7 @blake.charman @hannah.lange @jenny.blanco @adria.gimenez @fortune100 @colin.sterbenz @dustinzick @Jamesandrew @ana.velarde @andersev @Heartandsoulmktg @RubenGuerra1970 @liam.daly @abdishakur.moalliam adam @sarah.mackernan @vikashsing @ai.study @colin.maskell @paulo.cereda @katt.espinoza @ChrisDave @gracemcg @chelsea.kroeker @jean.hunt @leah.bodenhamer @kchristianapr @rschmidt @dan.powe @heather.lyons @jrod14jrod14 @Ashleigh Sherman @ona.provincial @grant.fiema @marcom.admin @Etown OMC @iNymbus @kelsey.woolley @megan.weiler @newcomb.institute @livgiessinger @jordan-tennenbaum @Lamu @dudleyc @c.leverton @mikeys @michela.di giorgio martin @Erin Shields @allie.hansen @emily.bowie @sarah.felton @Krissy Durant @matt.pearsall @isabella.vick @sdtitmas @Johns Hopkins University @jesseyamada @becca.armentrout @alison.chen @nicole.l @nadja.z @megan.conder @klarahinson @katie.barnes @jessbuko @cle.marketing @valerie.warren @tjisocials @bwagner85 @dena.reddick @Tucker Gerrick @mrfloughton @patrick.sams @victoria.oosting @bahati.alderman @jessicahuban @rebecca.roth @david honey @isgm @brendanmorton15 @Rdherrera @miranda.chau @Mejones04 @caseyemma @us catholic.editor @ben.dyer @kaila.sangester @madison.hohn @alexis.novacek @joanna.lai @Lucas401 @woolwich.works @jackelyn.chavez @hannah.shaw @Erin Reilly @Orietta @hyogor @Dava @Pat Kindig @dominique.pineda @migstion @JessalynTucker @sasso.caroline @haily.carlson @vmarziale @shailee @jshaclark @Raju8545 @Tiffany.Foggie @krista.jensen @cjtamasco @thebuzzpr @holli.hawkins @jessica.ramirez @micah.whipple @Tina Grabinski @chelsea.hottovy @Alley Becker @Victoria Smith @carl.henderson @lauren.stephenson @glenger @tim.smith @emilyyoung12 @hannah forsythe @lea.owen @grace.blanchong @Brittany Taylor @comotion.admin @ILRI @AGWM @robert.carnes