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UPDATED 6/28/23:

If you missed this event, don’t worry. We’ve got the recording for you here!


Thread your questions for @justin.herrick, @stephan.hovnanian and @jessie.o'donnell below!



Join us at The Arboretum's exclusive event, where industry experts @justin.herrick, @stephan.hovnanian and @jessie.o'donnell will be your guides on an exciting journey to unlock the full potential of your brand's online presence.

Get ready to dig into how to develop and cultivate brand advocates within your organization. Our carefully prepared a 6 -step program for this event will walk through how to strengthen your team's voice, while promoting your message on all of your social media platforms. You have the chance to learn from industry leaders and obtain knowledge, useful advice, and success stories that will help you create a strong employee advocacy program.

Don't miss out on this chance to redefine your social strategy and leave a lasting impact on your audience. We'll arm you with the knowledge and strategies needed to extend your brand's reach like never before.


RSVP Here:



About our speaker Justin Herrick:


Don’t forget to subscribe to this thread for all of the event updates!


I’ll be there, can’t wait!

Love to hear it @caitlyn.ahern, see you tomorrow!

✹ Giveaway question! Thread your answer below for your chance to win!


What are some ways you educate internal folks on social media best practices?


We are currently doing a summer business development training series and part of that is your digital persona and how that can help or hurt your growth. 

We’re currently building out our entire Advocacy program and have started by identifying our brand pillars and key internal stakeholders. From there we’re focusing on optimizing their individual LinkedIn profiles. We’re also redesigning LinkedIn-specific brand assets for ease of creating content.

We have an internal SharePoint site, and have found that it’s crucial to show examples of “what good looks like” -- otherwise the concepts can be too esoteric. Examples from their peers can also make it feel easier and more accessible.

We start with a small group - teach them how to use social media, what to post/what not to post, etc. Then, this small group will turn and teach their teams. And so on until everyone has the best practices. The core team will always be available for questions.


We have a ppt of brand guidelines that includes examples of what to post and what good posts look like.

Training for do’s and don’t of social media, brand guidelines, as well as how to optimize your social media profile.

At Baker Hughes, there are three broad buckets we tend to think about this in:

  1. Training Workshops or Webinars: I conduct training workshops or webinars dedicated to social media best practices. Our sessions can cover various topics such as social media etiquette, content creation, engagement strategies, privacy settings, and brand representation. We try to make these sessions interactive and bring real-life, Baker Hughes employee examples and practical exercises which we have found enhance learning and ensure better understanding.

  2. Internal Communication Channels: I try to utilize internal communication channels like newsletters, intranet platforms, and company-wide emails to share informative content and updates related to social media best practices. I regularly provide tips, guidelines, and case studies to comms & marketing team mebers to keep them informed and educated. It’s also so important to encourage questions and foster continuous learning.

  3. Peer-to-Peer Learning and Knowledge Sharing: I’ve found that by promoting a culture of knowledge sharing within Baker Hughes we have been able to encourage experienced employees (who possess expertise in social media) to share their insights, best practices, and success stories through presentations and small roundtables.

Employee advocacy training deck that can be customized for each group, working on one for recruiters now 🙂 heavy on that “what’s in it for me” that can be a blocker as discussed.

✹ Giveaway question! Thread your answer below for your chance to win!


What are some ways you educate internal folks on social media best practices?


I use our internal tipping tool to highlight when folks share content, plus we create challenges within that platform with prompts and recommendations for content to share. It only costs us a few dollars to “tip” each participant, but their networks are worth it!

My manager and I host a weekly “Social Media Office Hours” meeting for colleagues to join if they’d like to learn about our social media initiatives and our advocacy program. 

  1. I conducted a mortgage lender training program this year where I provided best practices for mortgage lenders with Facebook pages.
  2. We also have a Social Media Use Policy in our employee handbook that I have helped write.
  3. I also have a Social Media Employee Ambassador Committee and submit a Monthly Social Media Content article in our weekly internal e-newsletter.
  4. I also gave a speech in our quarterly call earlier this year that mentioned how employees can be advocates of our brand.

My colleague and I have done specific LinkedIn training for company executives, and I’ve joined all-company calls, as well as department/team calls, to share best practices for posting and engaging with others on social media. We use the Sprout Social Advocacy platform and take advantage of the “internal only” posting/messaging to share info with those folks who use it. Additionally, when we publish blog posts by one of our thought leaders or SMEs, and I alert them that the post is live, I will include a few tips/tricks/suggestions for sharing with their social networks.

✹ Giveaway question! Thread your answer below for your chance to win!


What are some ways you educate internal folks on social media best practices?


We do training with new hires and then a refresher presentation once a year for different departments 

I’m currently offering our internal thought leaders social media office hours on a monthly basis tailored around a specific topic, so that each session is targeted and the chance of participation is higher. 

In previous roles, I’ve organized a campus-wide (I worked in Higher Ed) Social Media Council that met every other month to talk through ideas, upcoming events, tips, tactics and best practices. 

Currently, I organize our company’s employee advocacy program, host a dedicated Slack channel for social media amplifications and discussions and plan to organize regular trainings for our internal brand advocates on social media trends and best practices.

Thank you so much @justin.herrick, @stephan.hovnanian and @jessie.o'donnell for this incredible event today! For anyone who missed it, here is the recording:


Here are a few questions we weren’t able to get to in the event:

  • From @miranda - How have you managed sharing relevant industry article in a timely manner, avoiding content bottlenecks?
  • From @ashleigh - Please share ways of incentivizing by topic as that doesn’t show in the leaderboard, for example if you wanted to have top users for sharing employer brand content that has been tagged vs. overall
  • @dasle.hong asked - How do you define an active user?


These are some of the resources we shared today:


Congratulations to @silvia.bacchelli for being the Giveaway winner! Keep an eye out for a DM from me to get your address!

@dasle.hong asked - How do you define an active user?

Active Users are defined as the percent of users that have logged in and interacted with the app during the designated time period. Hope this helps! :)

Thank you so much for everyone who attended or showed interest in our Employee Advocacy event! We’ve gotten several requests for the deck that was used, so I’m linking to that here. Keep the questions coming; we love geeking out about advocacy!Â đŸ€“

Extend your brand reach through Employee Advocacy

I sometimes encounter the people who feel like being asked to re-post stuff to their own LinkedIn page is ‘taking away their personal brand.’

I disagree - especially having my own personal brand since 2019, but I feel like this is a new type of resistance to re-posting branded social content that SMM are facing these days. 

How do you navigate this and/or how would you respond to a response like the above?


Also - do you have additional ideas in terms of rewards other than a monthly giveaway, that SMM can use to encourage use of Social Advocacy tools (but that don’t cost $ - since we’re on a limited budget for social)?

Thanks! -Katy of Riskonnect Inc.
