Hi Everyone! I am going a bit nuts with a glitch that is happening on my brand’s Instagram account and I am curious to know if anyone else has experienced this as well. When I am in the “Edit Cover” area of my reel, and I add an image from my camera roll, it appears perfectly on the “Cover” tab. When I navigate to the “Profile Grid” tab, however, the image is zoomed in and I am not able to get the full image to display no matter how much I pinch and drag it around.
It has happened to every reel since the end of December when I did purposely zoom an image in for a cover of a reel and the app decided that all future reels and cover images will match this one-time-only art direction. (If I go back to the reel in question where I zoomed the cover image in on purpose, I am not able to zoom the image out as it is also stuck on the zoomed (doomed) state).
I would be so grateful if anyone has experienced the same issue and can offer some tips for correcting it!