
Thoughts on backdating Facebook posts?

  • 12 March 2024
  • 3 replies


Hi all, just wanted to hear the community’s thoughts on using the backdate feature on Facebook. Does anyone use it often, why or why not? Has anyone seen benefit - or even negative impacts - using it?

I work with a few clients that like to use it, though it’s sometimes because content was published late or past a specific date. Does anyone know if backdating posts negatively affects post performance or SEO? 

Thanks in advance!

3 replies

Userlevel 2

I’d also love to see an answer to this question.

Userlevel 3

I didn’t even know this was possible, as there a couple times I could have used this.

I think it would be beneficial for posting images, etc, to a specific event date and you are posting after the fact.

I could see it being used nefariously by some, for instance when they need social proof for an alibi.  (i.e., I couldn’t have murdered the victim, if I was posting this image of me at “insert location” here). LOL.

Hi mariah :)

I seldom use the function when the scheduling automation function fails (either natively or via Sprout).

Although it’s not a regular occurrence, I haven’t noticed any negative affects on the post performance. 

I hope that helps,

