
Healthcare Marketers: how do you handle Instagram following?

Hi fellow healthcare marketers!

I started working with a health system on their social accounts, while auditing their instagram we noticed how large their follower count was and how most of the accounts followed were either not relevant to the brand or team members who no longer at the health system. We are tempted to do a mass unfollowing and then only follow brand ambassadors and other relevant accounts.

Would love to know anyone’s thoughts or how you have handled your accounts following? 

Thank you!

2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi Morgan! 

I thought about doing this with a few of our accounts but realized that some of the followers are related to team members (a doctor’s wife, a resident’s aunt). We kept following them and it turned out to be really beneficial. Turns out they became a secondary audience that we identified in our social strategy. 

I don’t think that the ratio of following to followers matter too terribly much. If you are receiving direction to do this from leadership, I’d recommend only unfollowing the people that are not following you. 

Happy to chat more :) 

Userlevel 2

Hi Morgan! I love the question. We try to use follows as a strategic tool as well - following celebs when they visit, donors, partner organizations, government health organizations, etc. While we haven’t completed a mass unfollowing, we regularly monitor to make sure we’re still supportive of the people we do follow. Since it’s sometime viewed as an endorsement, I think it’s important to make sure you/your org would want each account you follow to make sense. 


I’ll be following this thread to hear other team’s learnings! 


