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Hi all! I manage an instagram account for a large public university’s study abroad office. While our instagram account does well in terms of collecting likes on posts, our comment section is full of crickets.


Can anyone chip in on tactics they use to grow a healthly comment section? One that’s engaging to students, encouraging further discussion, while keeping it drama-free 😅 I know there will always be clean-up to do for inflammatory comments, but I’m wondering how you transform quiet lurkers to converation-makers, without inviting too many trolls! I’d like to create a supportive community of students who can chat together on our posts.


Very appreciative of any ideas you can share!

Add a call-to-action in the caption! Something as simple as a question about their experience could get people talking. We find that our Instagram comments tend to be pretty quiet too, until it’s something people are passionate about or can relate to.

Agreed, also asking easy polarizing questions is always an easy win. Does *dinning hall name* have better pizza or better nuggs? If you’re a science major have you seen the science hall ghost yet? Tap into the urban legends you have on campus. etc 

Implement a moderation system to keep the conversation respectful and on-topic. This can include automated tools for filtering out offensive language and a team of moderators to handle more nuanced issues.
