With the holidays upon us, this topic is top of mind. I manage the social media strategy and content for a veterinary brand in the emergency and specialty medicine space. Because veterinary medicine is a service industry, we don’t have the usual needs of holiday-specific content that a product marketing team would have on social media. So, though we do post content like holiday hazards for pets during the various holidays, we struggle with whether it is relevant for our business to post general holiday messages (i.e., Warm wishes for the holiday season.) either at this time or throughout the year.
I’ve always felt that if we post about some holidays but not all holidays throughout the year (i.e. Posting about Christmas, Hanukkah and Veterans Day, but then not posting on Easter, Ramadan or Presidents Day), that opens our company up to criticism that we obviously didn’t intend for, so we’ve erred on the side of caution. But I’d love to hear your thoughts on why you do/don’t post holiday-specific messages for the businesses you represent on social media. And if you do post about them, how do you choose which to post about and which not to, to ensure you are still being relevant to your company culture and audience?