Customer-only event

🎥 WATCH NOW: Reporting Redefined - Unleash the Power of My Reports

🎥 WATCH NOW: Reporting Redefined - Unleash the Power of My Reports

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All of the use cases made me like 😍, BUT I’m most excited for Executive and Campaign Reporting.

I like being able to annotate to provide context and additional information to leadership who may be less familiar with social media analytics. The averages will also be incredibly helpful as insight during the strategic process and for showcasing data during campaign wrap-ups. We often submit campaigns for awards, so this will be a nice addition to award submissions to provide additional context and data to the panel of reviewers.

I’m excited to be able to break down individual stats with the widgets for Monthly and Quarterly Reporting.

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Thank you so much for attending today’s event, Reporting Redefined: Unleash the Power of My Reports with @tazi.flory and @allie.mullen! We hope you enjoyed the session as much as we did.

If you weren’t able to attend live, here’s the recording:


There were a lot of requests to share the report Allie presented today, so here’s the link to view the report

These are the questions we weren’t able to get to live. Feel free to jump in and answer these questions, and help your peers:

  • From Stefanie (@stefanie.gordon) - Can we separate organic and paid in these reports? I need my reporting to only focus on our organic performance. 
  • From Katie (@katie.pogachnik) - Are you able to show MOM, YOY and also QOQ in one report?
  • From Menisha (@mmccallu) - What is the overarching question we should ask ourselves when building custom reports?

Let us know in the thread below, what reports have you built since attending this session?

I’m excited for everything really - I’ve been using My Reports for a while now and I’m looking forward to training our teams internally about all of its benefits. 😀

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Congratulations @shiela.negron, @victoria.rivera, and @sierra.wolfe you’re the giveaway winners! I’ll send you a DM now so you can enjoy your Arboretum swag.
